The Seven Chakras are the main energy centers of the body. Think of them as pathways that promote harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Blocked energy in our seven chakras can lead to distress, so it’s important to understand what each one represents and what we can do to keep it open and flowing freely.
The Root Chakra represents our foundation. It anchors us and gives us the feeling of being grounded. When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet. When it’s blocked, we feel threatened and unstable.
Location: Base of spine, in tailbone area
Associated Themes & Emotions: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food
Balanced: Feel secure, safe, stable, independent, abundant, we feel grounded and belonging.
Unbalanced: Fear of loosing, feeling unsafe, insecure, feeling of not belonging, feeling of not having stability, feeling exhausted, tired, left out, depression.
Unbalanced Physical: Clumsiness, sleep issues, poor circulation, reproductive problems, issues with metabolism
The Sacral Chakra helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. An open sacral
chakra also governs creativity and sexual energy.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel
Associated Themes & Emotions: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality
Balanced: Joy and pleasure in life, sensuality, healthy relationships, balance between feminine and masculine energies, sexuality.
Unbalanced: Guilt, shame, frustration lack of sensuality and sexuality, fear of pleasure, sexual problems, feeling unattractive.
Unbalanced Physical: Lower back pain, infertility/PMS, digestive problems, lack of energy, kidney & gallbladder problems
The Solar Plexus Chakra speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Think back to the last time you had butterflies or felt a pit in the stomach: That’s the Solar Plexus at work.
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area
Associated Themes & Emotions: Self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem
Balanced: Feel in control, confident, strong self esteem, self-worth, know when to surrender and to take action, courage, inner strength.
Unbalanced: Control annd management issues, powerlessness, stubbornness, victim mentality, withdrawal, anger, tension, burned out restlessness, fatigue.
Unbalanced Physical: Indigestion, panic attacks, liver problems, frequent illness, high blood pressure
The Heart Chakra is one of the most important chakras since it connects the bottom three chakras (associated with materiality) with the top three ones (associated with spirituality). As the name suggests, this chakra can influence our ability to give and receive love—from others and ourselves.
Location: Center of chest, just above the heart
Associated Themes & Emotions: Love, joy, and inner peace
Balanced: Feel loved, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, self-acceptance, forgeiveness, kindness, gratitude.
Unbalanced: Loneliness, grief, sadness, jealousy, codependency, holding grudges, hate, fear, being ungrateful, anger.
Unbalanced Physical: Chronic fatigue, upper back pain, heart related issues, anziety/depression, respiratory ailments
The Throat Chakra gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate. When it’s functioning at full capacity, it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly.
Location: Throat
Associated Themes & Emotions: Communication, self-expression, and truth
Balanced: Speak our truth, our needs, thought and desires, self-expression having a sense of inner freedom, goo communication skills
Unbalanced: Inauthenticity, gossiping, judgement, inability to listen, feeling of not being heard, shyness, fear of speaking, social anxiety, arrogance
Unbalanced Physical: Throat problems, neck stiffness, cold symptoms, thyroid imbalances, issues with breathing
The Third- Eye Chakra speaks to our ability to see the big picture and Connect to intuition. Think of it as the eye of the soul: It registers information beyond the surface level. As we move up the body, we’re getting closer to communion with the divine.
Location: Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra)
Associated Themes & Emotions: Intuition, imagination, and wisdom
Balanced: Decisions, open mindedness, we have strong intuition, inner wisdom, manifestation, imagination, visualization
Unbalanced: Directionless, confusion, feeling stuck, denial, dogmatic beliefs, delusion, not being able to see the reality, anxiety, depression
Unbalanced Physical: Ear & eye issues, balance issues, sleep paralysis, learning disabilities, hormone dysfunction
The Crown Chakra, the highest chakra, represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. When you fully open your crown chakra, you’re thought to access a higher consciousness—something very few people ever do!
Location: The very top of the head
Associated Themes & Emotions: Inner and outer beauty, spiritual connection.
Balanced: Awareness, connection with ourselves, sense of oneness and wholeness, harmony, clarity, spiritual connection
Unbalanced: Mental fogginess, confusion, disconnection with yourself, limiting beliefs, insomnia, apathy, depression, inability to learn.
Unbalanced Physical: Dizziness, vision issues, memory problems, nervous system imbalances.